Cancer-Causing Dangers Living In Your Home

You wouldn’t think it, but around and in your home lurk substances and physical products that carry with them a cancer danger. Even personal hygiene products such as baby powder can even be linked to carcinogens causing cancers.

Let’s consider some of them and how real their impact might be on your health.

Radon Gas

You may have heard of Radon Gas it has been well documented over the last few years.

Radon is produced from the breakdown of uranium in soil or rocks.

It can be concentrated in a home built on soil with uranium deposits.

It can seep into the home and can enter the lungs exposing tissue to small amounts of radiation, increasing the risk of lung cancer.

Many homes are now tested for radon as it is invisible and tasteless.

There are ways to mitigate exposure to radon if it is found at high levels.

Lead Paint

If you live in a home that was built before 1978, then there is a potential that leads paint was used in some format.

Now lead paint if in good condition, and a non-friction position should not be a problem.

However, at any time when the paint is scraped, heated, or sanded, then there is a health risk.

You can get your paintwork checked to tell you if you have lead paint.

It won’t tell you, however, if the paint is a hazard.


In the early 20th century asbestos was widely used, particularly in roofing and insulation work.

What was not realized at the time was how deadly the fibers are if ingested.

Now many homes and buildings still have asbestos as part of the structure.

As long as the asbestos stays in good shape and remains undisturbed, you should be ok.

However, if it starts to breakdown, it can release tiny fibers that can get lodged in your lungs.

Asbestos exposure can lead to some cancers and the deadly disease mesothelioma.

You can’t see the fibers; the only way to detect them is to get your home inspected by a regulated professional.

Cleaning Products

Many cleaning products exist around the home that can expose us to cancer risks.

The average home contains 62 toxic chemicals.

Researchers found that over a quarter of cleaning products have some form of carcinogenic ingredient present in them.

Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is found in many cleaning products such as fabric softeners, carpet cleaning, and dishwashing liquids.

Other forms of products around the home that may have cancer-causing ingredients include air fresheners, dryer sheets, and pet flea collars.

Your Favourite Chair

Yes, nothing is sacred these days, even your comfy sofa or favorite chair can contain cancer-causing chemicals.

Many sofas and chairs, before 2103 were covered with what is called TDCIPP a flame retardant chemical which is known to cause cancer.

Check whether your fabric has been sprayed with TDCIPP and consider replacing your furniture if so.

So you may be unsuspecting being exposed to cancer-causing agents around your home.

According to the EPA, 30 million homes have health issues around the US with more than 20 million having a lead paint issue and 6 million with radon exposure.

Definitely food for thought.